Beyond the swaddle – What can a muslin be used for?
Muslin swaddles are an essential part of any parent’s armour. Although ‘swaddling’ is mainly for newborn babies,
a muslin is a simple product that has many uses…. both for you and your children.
Trust us, you can never have too many!
a muslin is a simple product that has many uses…. both for you and your children.
Trust us, you can never have too many!
Beyond the swaddle – The multi-functional wonder product!

Muslin is a finely-woven and lightweight fabric which gets softer with every wash. The muslin fabric is durable and very safe due
to its ability to retain air-flow and breathability. It is the perfect newborn and baby shower gift for any new parents.
to its ability to retain air-flow and breathability. It is the perfect newborn and baby shower gift for any new parents.
Our muslin designs are purposely simple as newborn babies only recognise high-contrast patterns. The bold colours set
against the natural undyed muslin fabric are sure to catch the babies eye and keep them engaged.
against the natural undyed muslin fabric are sure to catch the babies eye and keep them engaged.
The lightweight nature of our bamboo cotton blend makes our muslins an ideal pram cover, play mat,
burp cloth, nursing coverup, mattress overlay, and light weight blanket for on the go.
And as many parents already know, many children have a favourite muslin that becomes their 'lovey' for many years beyond the cot or stroller.
After those early baby years, muslins are still useful for parents and kids alike as scarves, beach towels
(quick-drying and sand shakes off so easily), sarongs, gym towels and even as an impromptu bag.